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Developing animal-free dairy products for the Latin American market

08 September 2017
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Bowl of yogurt
Latin American consumers are increasingly looking to vegan and lactose-free dairy alternatives, according to a recent report from research group Innova Market Insights. Across the region, customers are looking for dairy products that are free from all animal-based ingredients, with sales of products...

Are ingredient solutions providers doing enough to help poorly informed consumers?

08 August 2017
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Misinformation, poorly positioned communication to the market place and ‘bad science’ are having a detrimental effect on ingredient solutions providers. According to the latest report from global market insights firm Innova, social media and a lack of control of internet regulations means that...

Find out how we are meeting the global demand for fibre

08 August 2017
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Cereal bars
Consumers around the world are looking to reduce their intake of sugar, fat and calories, and increase their fibre consumption. Globally, there is increased interest in products that are perceived to be ‘healthier’. However, specific attitudes vary by region.

Does sugar reduction have a direct impact on consumer pockets?

27 March 2017
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Sucralose on a spoon
Sugar reduction and low sugar alternatives, remain key purchasing trends among UK consumers. The recent publication of the UK Government’s Childhood Obesity Plan and a nationwide sugar levy are hoped will relieve stress on the NHS (National Health Service) –currently channelling some £5 billion each...

Sweeteners and Sugar taxes, combatting the obesity epidemic in Latin America

27 March 2017
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Obesity and diabetes levels are reaching alarming rates across Latin America. A recent WHO report highlighted that Mexico is of particular concern, with 33% of the population currently having BMIs in the obese category.
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