
Introducing TEXTURE-VANTAGE® Expert Systems

Choosing the right texturiser can be a lengthy and difficult process as it requires time-consuming and costly research to understand how texturisers will be influenced by the other components of the formula. To address this challenge, Tate & Lyle is investing in a suite of cutting-edge texture design tools and is inviting food and beverage manufacturers to work with our scientists as they apply these tools to efficiently solve their formulation challenges.

These TEXTURE-VANTAGE® design tools aim at predicting product and ingredient performance and reducing development time. 


TEXTURE-VANTAGE® is a registered trademark of Tate & Lyle in the UK and EU.

TEXTURE-VANTAGE® Expert Systems include:

These simple, predictive texture maps help formulators visualize and anticipate the viscosity, processing and sensory characteristics of starch-thickened foods. With the help of texture maps and the Tate & Lyle technical service team, formulators can efficiently optimize product formulations for consumer preference, accelerate product development and reduce the need for extensive consumer trials

WikiStarch is a prototype e-encyclopedia currently used by Tate & Lyle staff that centralizes the extensive knowledge available on Tate & Lyle texture science, starch ingredient design and application know-how. Its highly searchable interface allows our staff to quickly provide you with the most relevant information needed to solve your formulation challenges. 

A four-year curriculum for Tate & Lyle Scientists, Texture University™ is designed to provide a deep understanding of the principles of texture science, ingredient design, texture formulation and sensory experience. Contact a technical services representative to learn more about a special course exclusively for Tate & Lyle customers. 

Learn more about our complete Texture University™ syllabus and access every module on our hub here.

User-friendly starch selection charts simplify and translate the complex relationships between ingredients’ functionality, performance and application into key functional properties enabling easy visualization of the expected starch performance, superimposed by application.  This chart demonstrates how gelling agents with varying degrees of viscosity and elasticity performance are appropriate for a range of applications. Maps are available for other functionalities such as “thickeners, film formers and emulsifiers.” 

Starch selection chart
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