
Understanding our fibres portfolio

Taste is a number one purchase motivator for most global consumers, so we make sure our fibres have a clean taste as well as a neutral colour. They can also be easily blended into food and beverages to provide key functional benefits such as mouthfeel in beverages and binding cohesion in bars. As well as supporting gut and digestive health, our portfolio of fibres offers fat, sugar and calorie reduction, lower glycaemic response, exceptional digestive tolerance and cholesterol management.

We work in partnership with you to respond to consumers’ changing tastes. From creating a new line of products to reformulating an existing line or launching a line extension, we can help you formulate the perfect product.


Kavita Karnik
Changing lifestyles and increased life expectancy are leading to an increased awareness of the importance of fibre in the diet.
Kavita Karnik PhD
Global Head, Nutrition and Regulatory Affairs

Discover our fibres know-how

We offer soluble fibres that provide exceptional taste, colour and texture, and ease of use across diverse bakery applications. They can also help to promote a selection of nutrition benefits, and some are often used in “no sugar added” and “sugar-free” baked goods.

The neutral taste and added benefits of our fibres are ideal for beverage manufacturers looking to increase brand appeal and expand in the health-drink category. If you’re looking to improve body, mouthfeel and texture in sugar reduced products, we can provide you with the right solutions.

Our portfolio of fibres can help you create delicious and creamy dairy products that consumers will love; from prebiotic and bone health benefits to a creamy mouthfeel and smooth texture in reduced-fat dairy products, the possibilities are vast.

Clean on taste and neutral in colour, our fibre portfolio can be used to help you create enriched, vegan, clean- label and reduced-fat/calorie products.

Our fibres can be applied across a variety of your formulations. Their clean taste and texture and neutral colour are ideal for use in a range of soups, sauces and dressings.

STA-LITE Polydextrose

STA-LITE® Polydextrose is an easy-to-use soluble fibre that imparts little to no colour or off flavour. It provides the mouthfeel and texture of sugar, making it an ideal alternative in products that offer reduced sugar and calories. STA-LITE® Polydextrose his low calorie and provides process and acid stability. STA-LITE® Polydextrose has excellent digestive tolerance and helps to promote a lower rise in post-meal blood glucose when it replaces sugars in foods and beverages.

PROMITOR soluble fibre

PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre is a corn based soluble fibre with excellent digestive tolerance, reducing the possibility of digestive discomfort and increasing consumer satisfaction. Its high fibre content makes PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre ideal for use at lower inclusion levels to reach nutritional targets while ensuring consumer acceptance and comfort. PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre is an excellent choice for adding back the bulk and viscosity of nutritive sweeteners in reduced sugar products, enabling manufacturers to improve viscosity and mouthfeel.

Tate & Lyle has expanded its portfolio of specialty soluble fibres and is now pleased to offer FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) and GOS (galactooligosaccharides) as part of our portfolio. These products have been added to the portfolio as a result of the recent acquisition of Quantum Hi-Tech (China) Biological Co., Ltd (Quantum or QHT), a leading dietary fibre business located in China.

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)

The FOS (fructooligosaccharides) line of products is a type of carbohydrate composed of short fructose chains found naturally in many plants. It is nondigestible in nature, low in calories, and is recognized as a soluble dietary fibre and a prebiotic* because of its health benefits and taste.

FOS has superior functionality and processing attributes including low heat and acid stability. FOS is complementary to the PROMITOR® and STA-LITE® lines creating opportunities for new fibre, texture and tolerance solutions.

GOS (galactooligosaccharides)

The GOS (galactooligosaccharides) line of products is a chain of galactose sugars that is generally derived from lactose. It is nondigestible in nature and recognized as a prebiotic*. GOS can be applied in functional foods, dairy products, milk powders and complementary food for young children. FOS is often applied as key soluble fibre in infant milk formula and increasingly in nutrition, baby food, yoghurts. FOS is stable at high temperatures and pH during processing.

Contact Us for more information about the new FOS and GOS products

Explore our fibre insights

Explore our fibre insights

Global manufacturing reach improves supply security

Our scale and efficient manufacturing facilities provide a cost-effective supply of ingredients for distribution through our global supply chain. We have three global fibre manufacturing locations which provide a broad reach and improved supply security for our customers.

Sites in the US, Netherlands, and China afford us a truly global footprint which mitigates the risk of regional supply disruption of PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre, and STA-LITE® Polydextrose.

Global fibre supply chain map

Get in touch if you need help with your fortification applications.

Fibre FAQs

According to research, (Qualtrics, Fibre study for Tate & Lyle, 2016, 11 countries, 800 adults per country), 55% of consumers want to reduce sugar in their diet and 52% want to consume more fibre. Tate & Lyle’s portfolio of fibres enables food and beverage manufacturers to address both of these consumer needs while maintaining taste and texture.

Tate & Lyle fibres provide a variety of consumer desired nutrition and health benefits including digestive health, weight management through calorie reduction and/or satiety, beneficial glycemic response, enhanced calcium absorption - important for bone health, prebiotic effects and healthy cholesterol management. Tate & Lyle’s nutrition scientists will be happy to share the science behind these benefits and the Regulatory team can advise on local requirements for specific claims.

Another ever-evolving consumer trend is the desire for a clean label. Clean label means different things to different consumers including easy to recognize and pronounce ingredients, or free from gluten, GMOs and allergens. Tate & Lyle would like to better understand your clean label requirements and discuss which of our fibre(s) best addresses those needs.

All Tate & Lyle fibres provide meaningful consumer, health and functionality benefits, and PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre also has meaningful benefits that other fibres do not. PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre, the consumer friendly fibre, has several important benefits over inulin and FOS including superior digestive tolerance, clarity and process and shelf stability.

The definition of “prebiotic” has recently changed. According to the definition that was recently adopted by ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics), a prebiotic is selectively used by the gut microorganisms in a way that directly results in a health benefit.

The previous definition was not linked to a health benefit. It simply involved an increase in the number of beneficial microorganisms (i.e. strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) compared to the number of detrimental microorganisms in the gut.

Tate & Lyle has a variety of dietary fibres with proven physiological benefits including prebiotic effects.

  • Different countries, including the EU, have not yet authorized prebiotic claims. But where allowed, PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre meets the new definition because it is selectively used by the gut microbiome and, most likely because of a reduction in the gut pH, causes an increase in calcium absorption, which is important for bone health.
  • Tate & Lyle’s STA-LITE® Polydextrose resists digestion, is fermented in the large intestine by gut microbiota and has the physiological effects of dietary fibre such as laxation and satiety effects. Polydextrose has previously been associated with increased prebiotic activity and is most likely still considered a prebiotic, but further review is needed in light of the new definition.