Nutrition Centre Blog

From our own experts

From our own experts

Each one of our nutrition experts are passionate about the work they do. Inspired by the opportunities to partner with our customers, this blog is one of the ways we share expert knowledge about the science behind Tate & Lyle ingredients and how we can work together to achieve positive health outcomes in society. ​

Plant proteins vs animal proteins: what does the science say and what does the market say?

01 October 2020
| Filed in:
Examples of plant protein sources
As the global population grows, so does the demand for protein. It is widely believed that meeting this demand with animal protein alone is not sustainable and large-scale animal farming raises all kinds of environmental and sustainability concerns. So are plant-based proteins the no-brainer...

New papers on latest nutrition research and reformulation practices

03 September 2020
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British Nutrition Foundation scientific research papers
Tate & Lyle supports British Nutrition Foundation’s research series supporting public health around sugars and sat fat reduction, fibre enrichment, and plant-based protein.

Fibre enrichment can help save lives

25 June 2020
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fibre enrichment applications
Tate & Lyle’s new study shows the potential public health gains of adding more fibre to certain popular foods, including: More than doubling the number of young children in the UK getting the fibre they need each day 1 Enabling 52.5% more UK adults to consume the recommended amount of fibre 2 This...

How do nutrition needs differ when you exercise a lot?

18 June 2020
| Filed in:
Sports nutrition cyclists
Good nutrition is essential to support an active lifestyle. Those who do a lot of sports or exercise have different nutritional needs compared with those who are less active. Here, we look at three key areas where an athlete or regular gym-goer’s nutritional needs differ from those of the general...

The low carb craze: what’s it all about?

04 May 2020
| Filed in:
Low-cal salad option
Low carb dieting is growing in popularity all over the world. But what does a low carb diet actually look like, what are the health benefits or side effects, and how can food and drink manufacturers respond to increasing demand for low carb products and related nutrition needs?
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Disclaimer: This data, research, and product information (“content”) is published for your consideration and independent verification. Tate & Lyle accepts no liability for accuracy or completeness of this content. We may change this content at any time. The applicability of label claims and the regulatory and intellectual property status of this content and our ingredients varies by jurisdiction. You should obtain your own advice regarding all legal and regulatory aspects of this content and our ingredients and their usage in your own products to determine suitability for their particular purposes, claims, freedom to operate, labelling or specific applications in any particular jurisdiction.

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Nutrition plays a key role in consumers’ lives

We address the health and nutritional needs of your consumers using our science-based innovative ingredient solutions. Discover how in our Nutrition Centre...