Nutrition Centre Blog

From our own experts

From our own experts

Each one of our nutrition experts are passionate about the work they do. Inspired by the opportunities to partner with our customers, this blog is one of the ways we share expert knowledge about the science behind Tate & Lyle ingredients and how we can work together to achieve positive health outcomes in society. ​

Do you know about the gut-heart axis? You need to.

13 March 2025
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Woman smiling and enjoying a bowl of cereals
Ground-breaking study found that a combination of a probiotic and prebiotic—referred to as a ‘synbiotic’ — can significantly reduce heart muscle damage caused by diet-induced cardiac disease

PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre and its potential role in immune health

25 April 2024
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Shopping for healthy food
At Tate & Lyle, we continue to build on our 160 years of experience, and through research and innovation, we’re learning a lot about the various potential health benefits of PROMITOR® Soluble Fibre for consumers and how it can positively impact the future of food.

Why people need fibre at every age

18 December 2023
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Smiling son and father with grandparents in the background
At Tate & Lyle, we partner with international research organisations, academia and others in industry to build the evidence base around the role fibres play in our diets. While it’s true to say that everyone needs more fibre, emerging research is showing that we also need a variety of fibres to have...

Let’s talk fibre: Supporting the British Nutrition Foundation’s Nutrition for Life programme 

20 November 2023
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Kavita Karnik interviewed by ITN on BNF's Nutrition for Life programme
Not getting enough fibre in your diet can lead to various health implications regardless of age - from birth to adulthood and later years. Increasingly, people want to know what positive health benefits getting more fibre in their diet can contribute to.

Healthy Eating Week: an invite for making healthier choices

14 June 2023
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Couple eating healthily outdoors
Healthy Eating Week is an annual event that takes place in the UK, usually in June. The event aims to encourage people to make healthier food choices and to raise awareness about the importance of a balanced and varied diet. With Healthy Eating Week coming up 12-16 June, I wanted to share some...
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Disclaimer: This data, research, and product information (“content”) is published for your consideration and independent verification. Tate & Lyle accepts no liability for accuracy or completeness of this content. We may change this content at any time. The applicability of label claims and the regulatory and intellectual property status of this content and our ingredients varies by jurisdiction. You should obtain your own advice regarding all legal and regulatory aspects of this content and our ingredients and their usage in your own products to determine suitability for their particular purposes, claims, freedom to operate, labelling or specific applications in any particular jurisdiction.

Nutrition Centre logo 2023

Nutrition plays a key role in consumers’ lives

We address the health and nutritional needs of your consumers using our science-based innovative ingredient solutions. Discover how in our Nutrition Centre...