Analyst and consensus

Analyst Coverage

Analyst Consensus


Tate & Lyle PLC (“Tate & Lyle”) periodically invites registered sell-side analysts that monitor Tate & Lyle’s stock to submit their forecasts to an external, web-based tool managed by Vuma Financial Limited (“Vuma”), a company independent of Tate & Lyle.

The web-based tool generates an aggregation of publicly available forecasts collated exclusively by Vuma, but only on the basis of information submitted by those analysts who choose to participate. The arithmetic average of the constituent analyst forecasts is known as “Consensus”. Vuma has no access to Tate & Lyle’s internal forecasts, budgets or any other information which is not publicly available.

Tate & Lyle has not commented on individual forecasts nor does it intend to do so in the future. Tate & Lyle assumes no obligation to update or revise such information and nothing in this analysis should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell shares in Tate & Lyle or to take any other action or place any reliance on the analysis.

Consensus figures are provided for information only, and neither Tate & Lyle nor any of its subsidiary undertakings nor any director, officer or employee of Tate & Lyle or any of its subsidiary undertakings accepts any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of forecasts used in this analysis and therefore shall have no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the information in this analysis.


Last published Vuma Consensus

The latest Vuma consensus can be found on the link below. By clicking this link, you confirm that you understand the nature of these Consensus figures and that you accept the terms and basis upon which they are being made available as more fully set out above.

View the Consensus here >



Find the analyst to contact for each broker

Broker Analyst Telephone Email
Barclays Alex Sloane +44 (0) 203 555 0645 [email protected]
Berenberg Samantha Darbyshire +44 (0) 203 753 3144 [email protected]
BNP Paribas Exane Joan Lim +44 (0) 207 039 9410 [email protected]
Citi Cedric Besnard +33 1 7075 5276
Deutsche Numis Damian McNeela +44 (0) 207 541 1565 [email protected]
Goodbody Patrick Higgins +353 1 641 0403 [email protected]
Investec Matthew Webb +44(0) 207 597 5668 [email protected]
Kepler Cheuvreux Karel Zoete +31 (020) 563 2370 [email protected]
Redburn Atlantic Chris Pitcher +44 (0) 207 000 2180 [email protected]
DISCLAIMER - Issued by the Directors and Management of Tate & Lyle PLC.
This list of analysts is provided purely for convenience to users of our website.
Tate & Lyle does not represent that this list is comprehensive or that the details given are accurate. Tate & Lyle neither endorses, nor accepts responsibility for, any material published or relied upon by any analyst listed nor does it endorse or accept any responsibility whatsoever for the views of these or any other analysts reporting on the Company.

For Investor-related enquiries, please contact our Investor Relations department. 

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