Gut Health Hub

Data Modelling Study on Fibre Fortification and Health in UK

Canene-Adams, et al. 2022

We partnered with a specialist data analytics company, Crème Global, to develop new health and nutritional modelling to explore the likely positive difference fibre reformulation could make to people’s health in the United Kingdom if it were stepped up a gear.

The findings show that increased fibre fortification of everyday UK foods including baked goods, dairy products, soups, smoothies and dressings, will enable 50% more adults to get the recommended daily amount of fibre in their diets.

Did you know that reformulating everyday foods with fibre could:

Fibre can reduce the risk of cardiovascular and Type-2 diabetes
Reduce the risk of cardiovascular and Type-2 diabetes for 72% of the UK adult population¹
Fibre could more than double the number of children in the UK meeting their fibre intake recommendation
More than double the number of children in the UK meeting their fibre intake recommendation²
Fibre could see 6% of the UK population lose weight
See 6% of the UK population lose weight through higher fibre consumption³
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What is the fibre gap?

According to the World Health Organization, adults should eat at least 25g of fibre per day – but the reality is that most people are not getting enough, and in many cases nowhere near enough. At Tate & Lyle, we call this the ‘fibre gap’.

Fibre does so much more than simply promote healthy bowel function. Low fibre intake is associated with higher levels of colorectal and breast cancer, cardiovasclar disease, and diabetes, and can disrupt the beneficial gut microbiome. Emerging research also indicates that some fibres can also help the immune system function properly.

We know that bridging the ‘fibre gap’ is a key challenge for consumers and food and beverage manufacturers.

Kavita Karnik headshot 2022
We know that reaching the daily fibre recommendation is challenging, and for most people it is difficult to do so without exceeding their recommended calorie intake. This is where reformulation of the everyday products like cereal bars, yoghurt, and sports drinks, can be really effective in improving nutritional intakes.
Dr Kavita Karnik
Global Head of Nutrition, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs
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Benefits of reformulating with fibre

Global shortfall in fibre intake

Dietary fibre provides a host of health benefits beyond supporting digestive health. Some fibres help keep blood glucose levels healthy, support weight management, prevent cardiovascular disease and enhance calcium absorption, which is essential for bone health. Yet, fibre intake in most countries is well below the national recommendation.

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1 The CVD risk distribution curve shifted 13% to the left towards lower CVD risk over the next ten years because of fibre fortification, with 72.2% of subjects achieved a reduction in cardiovascular risk (p ≤ 0.05). A mean of a 5.45% chance of developing type 2 diabetes within the next ten years at baseline was reduced to 4.98% at intervention. A reduction in type 2 diabetes risk was observed in 71.7% of subjects (p ≤ 0.05).
2 The number of children aged 2-5 getting recommended dietary reference values (DRV) 15g/day increased intake by 118.1% (14.9% to 32.5%). The number of children aged 6-10 getting recommend DRV 20g/day increased intake by 111.3% (10.6% to 22.4%). The number of children aged 11-16 getting recommend DRV 25g increased intake by 64.9% (5.7% to 9.4%).
3 Mean body weight reduced by 0.03 kg (from 70.36 kg to 70.33 kg) with 5.9% of subjects achieving a weight reduction (p ≤ 0.05).