Company Stories

Company Stories

Find out what's been happening in the world of Tate & Lyle.

Giving back to support children in Mexico for a better future

30 August 2022
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Company Stories
Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos
Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH) supports children to become independent, caring adults who give back to their communities—shaping better futures for themselves, their families, and their world. Through our partnership, our local team in Mexico came together for a full day of volunteering to promote...

New Board member Isabelle Esser talks EDI

05 August 2022
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Company Stories
Isabelle Esser, Tate & Lyle board member
“Diversity of perspective is how you innovate, how you disrupt the market, and how you grasp opportunities” - Isabelle Esser, Danone Chief Research & Innovation Officer.

Our people: creating a dynamic and ambitious culture

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Bakery lab colleagues
Tate & Lyle has always been a place for explorers and experimenters, and we want everyone to ‘find their innovator and disruptor within’. This means having the courage to experiment, share ideas openly, and respond quickly. Read more about how we are creating a dynamic and ambitious culture in the...

Environment, health and safety: maintaining momentum in a transformational year

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Environment, Health and Safety
Learn how our people continued to run our plants safely and efficiently, and keep our customers served in this excerpt from our Annual Report 2022. Covid-19 continued to challenge us this year, requiring huge efforts from our people to continue to run our plants safely and efficiently, and keep our...

A year of major change and achievement: Chair’s Statement

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Dr Gerry Murphy in AR22
Another demanding year brought out the best in our people, who succeeded in delivering a major transformation of the business while also delivering a strong financial performance. In our 2022 Annual Report, Chair Gerry Murphy shares his thoughts on another challenging year.

Unlocking our potential: CEO’s review

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Nick Hampton in AR22
In the below excerpt from our 2022 Annual Report, our CEO Nick Hampton reviews the past financial year. This has been a landmark year as we repositioned Tate & Lyle as a growth-focused speciality food and beverage solutions business.

An introduction to our new CFO: Dawn Allen

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Dawn Allen in AR22
Our new CFO, Dawn Allen, joined us in May 2022. Here, from our Annual Report 2022, she talks about the year, along with her first impressions and thoughts for the year ahead.

Think and create – R&D at Tate & Lyle

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Think and create R&D
We’re stepping up our investment in R&D, innovation and solutions development to become our customers’ growth partner. From our 2022 Annual Report, below we outline how and why innovation is a key enabler of our growth strategy.

The opportunities in an ever-changing world

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Child drinking milk
In our 2022 Annual Report, we consider the ways in which the food and beverage market is constantly evolving, shaped by the world around us. From a source of nutrition to a foundation for healthy living, pleasure and celebration, food means different things to different people.

Our Strategy: Customers at the core

21 June 2022
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Company Stories
Customers at our core
Our strategy is to deliver top-line growth and margin expansion in Food & Beverage Solutions. This excerpt from our 2022 Annual Report outlines how we do this by delivering our strategic growth framework which, in turn, unlocks customer growth.