As an organisation where health and wellness are integral to our purpose to improve lives for generations, it is only right that we start with our own personal health and wellness.
Nick Hampton
Chief Executive
Our workplace approach is centred on three clear areas of focus
We are committed to fair and equal opportunities for everyone, no matter a person’s sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, race, beliefs or ethnic group.
We believe there are three key ingredients to successful employee engagement:
- Good communication – we communicate globally in a number of ways; using the company intranet; through Yammer, our internal social network; through Worldwide, our quarterly employee magazine (published in English and summarised in nine languages); and through face-to-face conversation such as site-wide, functional and small group or team meetings.
- Learning and development – we continue to invest in education, helping our employees stay up to date with the latest requirements of their roles. From supervisors’ development and people management programmes, to stakeholder management and influencing programmes – whatever it takes, we sign up and get people involved.
- Healthy working environment – happy and engaged employees are a product of a healthy working environment; when people work on stimulating projects, feel safe, personally and professionally, and work with dedicated teammates, the results can only be positive for all involved.
We also recognise that successful employee engagement has to be worked at, and cannot simply be expected.
It stands to reason that, if our people are fit and healthy, it benefits our organisation.
We work with occupational health experts to look after our employees’ health at work and to provide information, advice and support to them on general health and wellness matters.